Eric Stein, 1995
“Assessment of the Cumulative Impacts of Section 404 Clean Water Act Permitting on the Ecology of the Santa Margarita, Ca. Watershed.” (current employer: Southern California Coastal Water Research Project)
Alice Kwan, 1996
“Evaluation of a Decision Making Method Utilizing Spatial, Stakeholder, and Multi-Attribute Analyses: Application to a Conflict between Habitat Preservation and Development.” (current employer: Hong Kong Airport Authority)
Douglas Meffert, 1996
“The Effectiveness of the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act in Achieving Louisiana’s Coastal Restoration Objectives.” (current employer: Tulane University)
Arent (Barry) Schuyler, 1996
“The Risks of Marine Traffic and Oil Operations in the Santa Barbara Channel and the Santa Maria Basin.”
Mark Sudol, 1996
“Success of Riparian Mitigation as Compensation for Impacts due to Permits Issued through Section 404 of the Clean Water Act in Orange County, California.” (current employer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Chuck Rairdan, 1998
“Regional Restoration Goals for Wetland Resources in the Greater Los Angeles Drainage Area: A Landscape-Level Comparison of Recent Historic and Current Conditions Using Geographic Information Systems.” (current employer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Travis Longcore, 1999
(Geography, co-chair with M. Savage). “Terrestrial Arthropods as Indicators of Restoration Success in Coastal Sage Scrub.” (current employer: USC and UCLA)
Ben Schwegler, 1999
“Engineering Ecosystems: an Ecosystem Function, Ecosystem Service Model for the Analysis of Private Sector Development Opportunities.” (current employer: Walt Disney Imagineering)
Whitman Miller, 2000
“Assessing the Importance of Biological Attributes for Invasion Success: Easter Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Introductions and Associated Molluscan Invasions of Pacific and Atlantic Coastal Systems.” (current employer: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center)
Jonathan Lilien, 2001
“Cumulative Impacts to Riparian Habitat in the Malibu Creek Watershed.” (current employer: Chevron)
Spencer MacNeil, 2001
“Hydrogeomorphic Assessment of Aliso Creek Watershed Streams: Developing a Foundation for Holistic Permitting and Management.” (current employer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Petra Pless, 2001
“Technical and Environmental Assessment of Thermal Insulation Materials from Bast Fiber Crops.” (current employer: Lesos Consulting)
Cindy Lin, 2002
“Effects of Landscape Modification on Stream Ecology and Structure in a Mixed-Use Watershed in Mediterranean Southern California.” (current employer: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
W. Mark Hanna, 2003
(Civil and Environmental Engineering, co-chair with J. Dracup). “Real-time Adaptive Wetland Water Quality Management.” (current employer: Geosyntec)
Shelley Luce, 2003
“Urbanization and Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Malibu Creek, California: Impacts on Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Environmental Policy.” (current employer: Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission)
Monique Myers, 2003
“Coral Reef Monitoring for Management Purposes and the Effect of Marine Protected Areas on Benthic Communities on the Great Barrier Reef.” (current employer: University of California Sea Grant and Cooperative Extension)
Craig Shuman, 2003
“The Marine Aquarium Trade in the Phillippines: Balancing Ecological Impacts with Livelihood Opportunities.” (current employer: California Fish and Game Commission; self-employed)
Michelle Anghera, 2004
“Detecting Contaminant Impacts to the Benthic Community in a Coastal Wetland.” (current employer: QEA Anchor Environmental)
Joshua Burnam (co-chair with Tony Orme, Geography), 2004
“Impacts of Low Water Crossings on Aquatic Resources under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit Program.” (current employer: QEA Anchor Environmental)
Jayson Smith, 2005
(Ecology and Evolutionary Biology [EEB], co-chair with P. Fong). “Factors Affecting Geographic Patterns and Long-Term Change of Mussel Abundances (Mytilus californianus Conrad) and Bed-Associated Community Composition along the California Coast.” (current position: Assistant Professor, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
Dan Swenson, 2005
“Habitat Loss, Cumulative Impacts, and the Clean Water Act Section 404 Program: A Spatial Analysis.” (current employer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Irene Tetreault Miranda, 2006
“The effects of marine reserves on fish inhabiting temperate rocky reefs.” (current position: independent consultant)
Jae Chung, 2006
“Cumulative Impacts to Riparian Wetlands in the Aliso Creek and San Juan Creek Watersheds.” (current employer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Erik Larsen, 2006
“Regulation, Characterization, and Assessment of Riparian Habitat in Federal and State Jurisdiction, Orange County, CA.” (current employer: P & D Consultants)
Matthew Vandersande (co-chair with L. Pendleton, ESE), 2006
“Regulation of non-wetland riparian areas in the arid and semi-arid southwest: Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, bank stabilization, and a policy recommendation.” (current employer: National Marine Fisheries Service)
Vada Yoon (co-chair with M. Stenstrom, CEE), 2006
“Quantification of Metals, Nutrients, and Solids from Natural Areas During Wet and Dry Weather in Southern California.” (current employer: QEA Anchor Environmental)
Gretchen Coffman, 2007
“Factors influencing invasion of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) in riparian ecosystems of Mediterranean-type climates.” (current position: Assistant Professor, University of San Francisco)
Sarah Rothenberg (co-chair with Jenny Jay, Civil and Environmental Engineering), 2007
“Mercury Cycling in a Coastal Estuary: Implications for Maximum Total Daily Loads.” (current employer: University of South Carolina)
Perla Atiyah, 2009
(Acting as chair for Linwood Pendleton). “Non-Market Valuation and Marine Management: Using Panel Data Analysis to Measure Policy Impacts on Coastal Resources.” (current position: Assistant Professor, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi)
Robert Gilbert, 2009
“A multi-method approach for the characterization of urban stream quality and algal dynamics.” (current employer: UCLA)
Matthew Buffleben (co-chair with Stan Trimble, Geography), 2009
“Assessment of Soil Creep for Total Maximum Daily Load Development in a Northern Coastal California Watershed.” (current employer: North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
Melissa Evanson, 2009
“Chinook Salmon Population Dynamics and Life History Strategies in the Squamish River Watershed, BC, Canada.” (current employer: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Felicia Federico, 2009
“Managing Hydromodification Impacts due to Urbanization through Regulation of New Development and Re-Development in Southern California.” (current employer: UCLA)
Demian Willette, 2010
“The description of Caribbean seagrass communities in Dominica, West Indies and their response to anthropogenic and natural disturbances.” (current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Old Dominion University, Virginia)
Leila Lackey, 2012
“Design of an Aquatic Resource Status and Trends Monitoring Program for California.” (current employer: Food and Drug Administration)
Chad Nelsen, 2012
(Acting as chair for Linwood Pendleton). “Collecting and Using Economic Information to Guide the Management of Coastal Recreational Resources in California.” (current employer: Surfrider Foundation)
Forrest Vanderbilt, 2013
“Protecting and Restoring our Nation’s Waters: The Effects of Science, Law, and Policy on Clean Water Act Jurisdiction with a focus on the Arid West.” (current employer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Donna Ferguson (co-chair with J. Jay), 2014
“Genetic Characterization of Enterococcus in California Coastal Environments.”
Valerie Chan, 2014
“Examining Management Issues for Incidentally Caught Species in Highly Migratory Species Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.” (current employer: National Marine Fisheries Service)